(Check out the GrabbrApp Open Source repo on GitHub!)

Grab SSL Certificate Info by Domain

Location: /api/dapi/ssl/domain

Method: POST



The EMail address associated with your account

Example: mitch@grabbrapp.io


The API key associated with your account, which you can find at https://grabbrapp.io/user


The domain name or IP address to perform a lookup on

Example: www.google.com


The type of request, here always 'ssl'

Example: ssl

user agent:

An optional custom user agent you would like to send to the malicious server.

Example: Mozilla/5.0

(Example output)

Example request:

curl -X POST https://grabbrapp.io/api/dapi/ssl/domain -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"domain":"google.com", "type":"ssl", "email":"mitch@grabbrapp.io", "apikey":"<apikey>"}'

This call, when successful, will return 2 objects: 'currentSSL', which represents the current state of the SSL certiicate on the domain, and historicalSSL, which represents all fetched versions of SSL certs on the domain.

Grab File from URL

Location: /api/dapi/file

Method: POST



The EMail address associated with your account

Example: mitch@grabbrapp.io


The API key associated with your account, which you can find at https://grabbrapp.io/user


The location of the file to be fetched

Example: https://pastebin.com/raw/rvMniRnW

user agent:

An optional custom user agent you would like to send to the malicious server.

Example: Mozilla/5.0

(Example output)

Example request:

curl -X POST https://grabbrapp.io/api/dapi/file -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"domain":"https://pastebin.com/raw/rvMniRnW", "email":"mitch@grabbrapp.io", "apikey":"<apikey>"}'

This API endpoint will return the raw file bytes of the file you are trying to fetch.

Pull from the GrabbrApp Intelligence feed

Location: /api/feeds

Method: POST



The EMail address associated with your account

Example: mitch@grabbrapp.io


The API key associated with your account, which you can find at https://grabbrapp.io/user

(Example output)

Example request:

curl -X POST https://grabbrapp.io/api/feeds/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"mitch@grabbrapp.io", "apikey":"<apikey>"}'

This call will return all File and SSL objects fetched over the last 3 days, or the last 1000 objects.

© GrabbrApp, Inc

Note: GrabbrApp is currently in beta. Bugs? Feature requests? Want to yell at me? Reach out to support: mitch@grabbrapp.io